
The 4th Asia-Pacific editionĀ of the Sustainable Foods Summit will take place in Singapore on 25-26th February 2025.

PleaseĀ contact us to get the summit programme. This is the agenda…

Session One: Sustainability Developments

The opening session focuses on impacts, placing emphasis on regenerative agriculture and carbon management.

> Opening keynote: Moving to sustainable food systems

> Regenerative agriculture: Implementation & scaling

> Economic value of regenerative agriculture

> Panel: Encouraging sustainable agriculture

> Carbon footprint measurement & communication

> Decarbonisation of food supply chains

> Closing packaging loops

> Panel: Prioritising environmental impacts

Session Three: Future Trends

This session covers future trends in sustainable foods.

> Keynote: Power of collaboration

> Nature-positive foods from sustainable aquaculture

> Potential of cultured meat & seafood

> Vertical farming for sustainability

> Creating carbon-neutral drinks

> Plastic footprint of food products

> Novel green packaging solutions

> Panel: Sustainability merits of new technologies

Session Two: Ingredient Innovations

This session discusses new and emerging sustainable ingredients for food and beverages.

> Novel ingredients from regenerative agriculture

> Artificial intelligence to develop novel proteins

> Precision fermentation for animal-free ingredients

> New ingredients from upcycling

> Traceability solutions for ingredient supply chains

> Innovating with sustainable ingredients

> Panel: Sustainable sourcing trends & opportunities

Session Four: Marketing Update

This session covers marketing trends for sustainable foods, highlighting growth opportunities.

> Upcycled food market update

> Plant-based food market trends & outlook

> Panel: Future direction of sustainability schemes

> Retailing sustainable & health foods

> Positive impacts with mobile apps

> Consumer insights into sustainable & plant-based foods

> Panel: Overcoming marketing hurdles